Sunday, July 5, 2009

Maryland Trip #1

We had a full and fantastic trip to Maryland this summer! Cat's parents and my parents also came for a little visit.
Rob met with a work client up in Lanacaster, PA one of the days we were there and my parents and us went up to DutchWonderland in Lancaster. It is little kids amusement park and was a perfect fit for us.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rob's Mom's Birthday

Today, June 30th, would have been Rob and Adam's Mom's 56th birthday. (She went to be with the Lord in 1988.) I wanted to remember this very special person with a few pics we have.

4 generations: Rob's Grandmom Kadan, his mom, Kim, holding baby Rob and his Great-Grandma Sykes

Aunt Zattu, Rob and his mom at the Kadan's shore house. (Rob has blond hair!)
Her boys, Rob and Adam

This is one of my favorite pics of Rob and his mom making cookies.

Christmas 1978.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We had a great time celebrating Christ's resurrection with family and our friend Mark. I realized when I began this post that there were no pics of the other adults! I'm guessing we were too busy eating the fabulous lamb and roasted vegetables that Cat made to notice that the kids were getting all the pics.

We had our own egg hunt.
And Rob got crafty with me by helping me make this centerpiece the night before (I saw this project on the cover of Martha Stewart magazine while waiting in line at the grocery store and immediately bought it, inspired by it for our own beautiful Easter).

I don't think I could actually stomach eating a peep but I love the peep place cards Cat made and definitely think we will incorporate them again in future decor.
say "cheese"!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

asparagus braid

Recently Greta asked me to put some ponytails in her hair. For the past year she has had a bob haircut and most of her hair accessories have been headbands and clip bows. I tried to explain to her that her hair was too short but she really wanted them. So just to please I decided to give her two little ponytails by her ears. Because her hair was so short they stuck straight out from her head and she wasn't satisfied. I then turned her ponytails into little braids and she was happy. Later on that day when she was feeling her braids she piped up,
"Mom, my ponytail looks like asparagus."
"Oh? It's called a braid."
"Oh, it's an asparagus braid."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pizza night

Most kids not only love pizza but have a great passion for pizza. And mine are no exception. When we announce that pizza is the dinner of choice our kids never fail us in their response: their eyes grow in brilliance, their voices squeal out unrestrained cheers, and their muscles tense with glee.
Monday night was pizza night and that evening we had all the ingredients to make it ourselves. Theo and Greta particularly enjoyed the hands on experience. Greta loved working with the dough and Theo cheerfully layered the toppings to create his all time favorite pizza: Hawaiian. Right before I opened up the last topping, which was the canned pineapple, Theo excitedly announced, "Mom, I can smell the pineapple coming!"
I don't think he could have thanked me in any better way.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

memory lane

Ok, so since we're greatly fizzling out on blogging on the day to day things, I thought that I would post past things that we would have blogged about had we been blogging at that time...
First up:
Theo's first day of school! He loves his school,Logos, and definitely seems to be thriving!

This picture shows the only sadness we had that morning - Greta looking for the desk with her name on it! We tried to prepare her for the separation from her older brother but some things are incomprehensible for a three year old. However, no worries. She is not sad anymore as she is very excited to be going to preschool this coming fall with her cousin, Signe.

Good times.

The dapperest preschooler I've ever seen!

Monday, January 26, 2009

cousins and buddies

Gunnar and Ransom are only 3 weeks apart and it has been grand to see them starting to become friends. This picture is courtesy of Uncle Nick.